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力勁助陣Metal AP 2018,融匯亞太

放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2018-09-26  來源:壓鑄周刊  
核心提示:熱室壓鑄機AVIS-Ⅱ DC88DC88 Hot Chamber Die Casting Machine2018年9月19-21日,由鑄造行業生產力促進中心、中國國際貿易促進委

熱室壓鑄機AVIS-Ⅱ DC88

DC88 Hot Chamber Die Casting Machine

2018年9月19-21日,由鑄造行業生產力促進中心、中國國際貿易促進委員會冶金行業分會、中國機械工程學會工業爐分會主辦,中國機械工程學會鑄造分會(FICMES)、沈陽中鑄生產力促進中心承辦的“2018亞洲及泛太平洋地區金屬工業展覽會”(metaL AP 2018)在泰國曼谷國際貿易展覽中心舉行。

"Asia-Pacific metal Industry Exhibition – metaL AP 2018", organized by China Foundry Productivity Promotion Center, metallurgical Council of CCPIT and Industrial Furnace Institution of CMES, and managed by Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) and Shenyang Zhongzhu Productivity Promotion Center, was held in Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center, Thailand, on September 19-21, 2018.


The exhibition has attracted exhibitors and exhibitor groups in foundry and die casting industries from 11 countries and areas including China, Thailand, Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, etc.


Since the first day of show, L.K. Machinery's TC510 Machining Center and DC88 Hot Chamber Die Casting Machine have attracted much attention and inquiries from many accurate visitors.


TC-510 Machining Center


Thailand is a vital market in Southeast Asia for L.K.to explore. President of Thai Foundry Association Dr. Paisan Somprakit made an in-depth exchange of view with L.K. Sales Director Ms. Ally Lain. He said that Thailand will strive to develop die casting industry in future. With an increasing market demand and Chinese government's "One Belt, One Road" policy, a stable development of industry exchange on die casting between China and Thailand may be right around the corner. Ms. Ally Lain invited Thai Foundry Association to visit L.K. factory in China for further communication and closer friendly relationship.


metaL AP 2018是中國冶金鑄造界落戶海外的首個專業會展平臺,也是中國企業開拓國際市場的重要里程碑。在中國壓鑄界的發起下,力勁集團深度參展,與整個亞洲及泛太平洋地區冶金鑄造相關產業及合作伙伴交流,致力于共同推動整個亞太地區金屬加工與制造業的融合發展。

As a professional exhibition platform for Chinese metallurgy and foundry industries, metaL AP 2018 is the first one settling down overseas. It is also a significant milestone for Chinese enterprises to explore international markets. L.K. Machinery actively responds to the advocacy of Chinese die casting industry by attending metaL AP for a deeper communication with existing & potential partners in metal processing and foundry industries of the entire Asia-Pacific, so as to promote its integration and development of metal processing & manufacturing industries.

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